Being a member of Rehab My Patient has been so valuable to me as a therapist. It's so easy to use and looks great. Long gone are the days of trying to find complicated youtube videos to describe the stretch or the exercise exactly as I want it. Rehab My Patient has everything I need and explains everything really well for my clients. Its added benefit is how professional it looks and the templates are so helpful yet can easily be adapted and personalised.
Lucy Hume
Sports Massage Therapist
We have been using RMP since we re-opened our clinic in June 2020 after lockdown. We all had an introduction with the lovely Karen Reay and have been impressed with how easy it is to use. It is very professional and can be tailored to each individual patient. The pictures, videos and instructions are clear and the instructions can be altered to again make it more personal and unique to the individual patient. Our patients have been impressed and appreciative of this resource which has certainly enhanced our clinic. I wish we had starting using it years ago!
Angela J Cavil DO,
Pontypridd Osteopathic Clinic Ltd
RMP is new to me: I only became aware of it after a CPD session about it hosted by the Academy of Physical Medicine. I signed up, and it has been totally game-changing for me. I’m not tech-savvy in the least, but everything about RMP is simple and intuitive, plus the support team are superb at making sure all your queries are dealt with promptly. The best things about RMP are the following:
-it saves so much time
-it looks really professional
-to have a youtube video for the exercises is fantastic for patients
-it’s great value
-feedback from patients is hugely positive
But for me, the very best thing is that it allows you to put your own quirky exercises/points of information into the system, which is great if you work in a bit of a niche arena.
All in all, RMP is something I wish I had known about sooner: it would have saved me SO much time!
Jo Racle,
Chartered Physiotherapist
I have been wanting an easy way to send my patients exercises ever since I opened my clinic doors 8 years ago.
I have been spending almost an hour each time I’ve put a plan together as I had to start from scratch each time. This always put me off offering to do this for my patients as it was so time consuming. Additionally I never felt like my plans looked that professional.
I’ve known about RMP for a while and thought I’d look further into it a few months ago, and so happy I did! It’s incredibly easy to use, it syncs effortlessly with my Cliniko software, and the plans look so professional.
I had a personal 1:1 when I first joined to go through all that RMP offers and find the support team incredibly helpful and quick to respond.
My patients love the exercises, and I love putting plans together for them now.
Sharisse Wainman
I have been using RMP for about 3 years now. It has enhanced my practice considerably, giving me the ability to equip patients with clear and easy to follow exercise programmes. Having the option to watch the exercises performed on video is fantastic because it means if a patient forgets what they have to do they don't need to wait until their next appointment, or spend a week doing them incorrectly! I think using RMP adds another layer of professionalism to my business, and it's good value for money. There are regular updates and improvements being made to the software, and their technical support is friendly and efficient. You can't go wrong!
I have found that RMP has been a huge asset to our business. I had previously always prescribed exercises to my patients however, this had not previously been delivered in a uniformed way instead I had relied on Youtube clips or photos taken from Google. This also meant I didn't have a collated library of exercises to choose from and became quite time consuming to prepare it for each patient/condition. RMP allows me to provide an immediate program within individual sessions as well as pre-programmed simple templates that I can have ready for EVERY new patient I see. The impact of this is not to be missed, new patients are always impressed they can walk out having not only been treated but with an exercise advice sheet that has been emailed to themwith easy video links for them to follow. It not only looks professional adds value for money but they always comment that they had debated going to see a physio instead but now they don't need to as they've received everything they need from us. To add to this I have found that patients have returned to us at a later date for new issues after looking through their emails to find their original exercise program so it doubles as a great marketing tool. It's easy to use, looks professional, impresses patients, adds value for money to your service and doubles as a marketing tool what more could you ask for!
Zoe Mundell M.Ost, DPO, ND
New Body Osteopathy
Canary Wharf & City of London

As an MSK Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic, we had been debating for some time about using an on-line package as opposed to exercise handouts. I’m so glad I stopped at the Rehab My Patient stand at Therapy Expo 2 years ago, where I was immediately convinced this was the right package for us. It has been an excellent addition to our practice, providing easily produced, professional looking exercise programmes containing our logo and clinic details, which can be printed, or e-mailed to the patient. I love the fact that you can tailor-make a programme for each patient or you can formulate a template with regularly used exercises, then edit accordingly for the individual as required. A great deal of time is also saved by attaching the excellent advice sheets. My patients love the video clips attached to the exercises showing them exactly how to do an exercise, should they forget what they’ve been shown in clinic. I also find the “conditions” / “muscle” sections really helpful in providing new ideas for exercises.
I cannot praise RMP highly enough for its content, containing everything from different types of exercise, advice sheets, ergonomics and pretty much anything you may need to help your patient - and all so easy to use.
Additionally, the customer service is exceptional.
I honestly can’t praise RMP highly enough, and would struggle without it now. Thank you.
Sara Blackhurst
Woodlands Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic

At Activ Sports Medicine and Performance Clinic we have been using Rehab My Patient for almost 3 years. Our physiotherapists and sports medicine specialist had been looking at a third party exercise prescription platform, and when we came across RMP we had no doubt that this would be the one we would be using. It offers a comprehensive library of exercises, the ability of uploading our own videos, and the constant updating of their library offers our practitioners pretty much every exercise that we will ever need prescribing. Not only that, but the ease of use is remarkable, with exercise plans created in minutes. This has definitely changed our practice, saved a lot of time, and increased patient compliance to exercises, as it gives them a visual and easy to follow format. The support offered by RMP is also excellent, and we would highly recommend to other practitioners and clinics.
Michael CheeseAaron Perales MSc BSc (Hons) CSCS
Activ Sports Medicine & Performance Clinic
I began using Rehab my patient website for my patients home care plans. The feedback to date from my patients has been greatly positive. The days of reminding patients of exercise plans are over.
Thanks to Rehab my patient for making clinic life a lot easier.
Tommy Maher
Anatomy Plus

As a Soft Tissue Therapist I need a good reliable source of knowledge and advice that can be passed onto clients quickly and easily. Rehab My Patient is a brilliant time saver the time having to research either online or in books suitable exercise and stretches with the right visuals is no longer a worry and I can quickly pass on advice and support to my clients. I can now build on my practice knowing that the knowledge I’ve passed on is accurate and from a reliable source. It helps add that extra professional touch and helps clients become more aware of how they can be active in recovery and performance.
Michael Cheeseman
Best Practice Massage

We at MYoKNEADS have been using Rehab My Patient now for about 4 months now. We love that we able to help our clients with different types of programs with 1000s of different exercises. Our clients love how simple the it is to use, and they love the YouTube feature showing them how to do the exercises. From a professional perspective we love that when the sheets are emailed to our clients it goes out, with our details on and it just makes the whole program so much more professional.
Ryan Smith

I have been using RMP for the past few years and can honestly say it’s a game changer. Being an Osteopath with a sports and exercise rehabilitation background meant I was forever drawing exercises (I can’t draw!) so when I found you guys I signed up and have never looked back! Both my staff and patients love it and having recently branched out into Clinical Pilates, there is even a section on there dedicated to this! What’s more if you would like an exercise added, you can contact them and they can add it to the database!
Using RMP really helps with patient retention as it gives patients homework and self-management. I love the ease of exercises and patients love the videos!
Fantastic price, fantastic service! Highly recommend!
Sian George
Align Therapies

Since we introduced Rehab my Patient our clients have found doing their exercises at home fun and much easier to understand, thanks to great quality videos that cover a wide range of conditions.
Our patients love the Rehab my Patient exercise programme. Great quality videos and text help ensure that exercises are done safely and as effectively as possible. They are an essential part of our treatment programme.The medical information is an essential part of our medical care.
Clive D. Lathey D.O MSc
The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy
266 Upper Richmond Road
SW15 6TQ
Glos Osteo use a company called Rehab My Patient. Our practitioners will decide on a series of exercises which best support your injury. By using Rehab My Patient our patients are sent an email which uses a gives a detailed description of the exercise programme, how often to do these, how many and for how long to do each exercise. The emails usually have You Tube links so that these can be downloaded by you on your phones and tablets and taken to your exercise venue. It is truly the next best thing to a personal member. This email also gives you a code so that you can go online to the rehab website and view literally 1000's of their exercises.
Gloucester Osteopaths
I've been using Rehab My Patient for a couple of months and find it fantastic. There are a huge range of exercises to chose from and learn about. It's very professional and well designed, easy to use and simple to understand. Patients love to receive customised exercises which they can then download or print out, I have found them to be much more compliant. As an elite triathlete myself I know how over whelming it can be to try and remember a whole host of exercises or try and make sense of badly drawn stretches - having your own personal plan with well explained exercises makes it a lot easier to follow.
It's great to have the app as well as the website, overall it's a brilliant concept which I would highly recommend.
Hannah Kitchen M.Ost
Registered Osteopath & Elite Triathlete
We are now in our second year of using RehabMyPatient.com for all our rehab and exercise prescription needs.
We have previously subscribed to two different competitors’ products, both offering similar functionality. Having found problems with
these offerings, we thought we would give RehabMyPatient a try.
We found that the simplicity of their interface, combined with the depth of the resources available, make the production and distribution of
exercise plans so simple that we produce more than we ever did before. We particularly liked the ease with which we could add our branding to
the plans produced.
Our patients love receiving them, and find them easy to access and follow. This in turn leads to a better engagement rate, and better results
from the exercises.
All in all, a great system that we would thoroughly recommend
Many thanks in advance
Dr Phoebe M Bavin MSc DC Chiropractor
Riviera Wellbeing

RehabMyPatient has revolutionized my
entire active rehab area of my
office. I easily create very specialized programs that my rehab therapist utilizes for each
I am able to continue to edit the rehab by making changes to the patient's Rehab My Patient
currently have a professional Basketball player as a patient and I used the program on this
athlete with outstanding results. The large amount of stretches and exercises give me unlimited
amounts of programs I can customize.
When I discharge my patients from active care, I simply
email them the updated program. I also include a printout in each patients file as part of their
I would give Rehab My Patient 5 stars! The tech support is also outstanding
anytime I submitted a question it was answered within the same day.
Dr. Jeff Roistacher
Greater Raleigh Chiropractic & Rehab Raleigh
NC 27615, United States

Rehabmypatient.com is a great product
which I have used since its creation and would thoroughly recommend to any practitioner.
Exercise programmes are incredibly easy to create, modify and personalise and the options for
printing or emailing to patients suits all ages. It saves huge amounts of time and patients have
the benefit of clear instructions. They feel better supported and far more in control of their
symptoms, and most importantly I see a far higher patient compliance and overall improvement in
If an exercise is not yet on the site it can be uploaded but more than this the Rehab team are
great to deal with and open to suggestions. They regularly liaise with practitioners to check
the site fulfils our requirements and ensure the site is constantly evolving with new features
added, such as the iPhone app, that meet the needs of the modern world and clinic.
Helen Beuschel
BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, BSc (Hons) Biochem/Tox.
Member of British Medical Acupuncture Society

I have been looking for a while for an app that will help me in my Sports Massage Business supporting my patients after treatment. I finally found
it! Rehab my Patient is an excellent and easy app to use. It's so easy to email/print rehab exercises to/for my patients. A great selection of
exercises, easy to follow photos/videos which I can also adjust accordingly. Looks very professional with my own logo and details at top of the
page. My patients have said it's great for them visually and really easy to follow or to contact me.
I couldn't be without this now and would say if anyone who is in this sort of profession to take a look, you won't be disappointed, I have even
suggested this app to follow colleagues to try it out. A two week free trail is great to see how it is for yourself. All at hand and very quick to
get a selection of exercises together.
Thanks RMP, this truly has made my business stand out more & made life easier for me.
Gayle Church
Sunrise Sports Therapy

My name is Dr. Jason Albracht. I am a
third generation chiropractor and own a large wellness clinic
in Austin, TX. I began using
about two months ago. It is a very useful and valuable tool to help strengthen and rehabilitate
patients with ease. It is clean, easy to use and you only have to hit one button to send
you recommend for the patient by email. I wish we had this 10 years ago when we first opened up.
patients who have received their stretches/exercises have been more than impressed. It literally
takes less than 5 minutes to input a patient, select exercises and send. The pictures are all in
color for such a brilliant effect.
Jason Albracht, D.C.

What a fantastic site! Our physios
all found rehabmypatient.com easy to use and the variety of exercises certainly meets the needs
our multidisciplinary physio team. The fact that the number and type of exercises keeps growing
also hugely beneficial and refreshing, as with other professionals submitting their preferred
exercises, there are always new and interesting adaptations to learn from. After years of
stick figures and scribbling the same exercises down time and time again, it is very satisfying
sit with a patient and my iPad and simply click on exercises and print or email them instantly.
Using rehabmypatient has given our practice a boost in that we feel we are providing a more
and current service. Many patients are impressed with the technology, others who are more tech
don't bat an eyelid as using such technology seems expected in all walks of life these days, so
is a relief to feel we are finally catching up. After researching various providers we chose
rehabmypatient as not only is the site easy to use, but the communication and support is always
prompt and friendly.
Alexa Cridge
Principal Physiotherapist
Waiheke Physiotherapy Ltd
New Zealand

Rehab My Patient has benefited my practice enormously. Firstly, much as I would have liked to, I
would never have the time to write exercise sheets for my patients. Secondly my patients love
their exercise/stretch plan documented. It seems they are more likely to do their exercises and
grateful that you have spent extra time considering their rehab beyond the clinical setting.
it is such an easy and efficient program to use and it takes only a couple of minutes to put a
I am very grateful to the team at Rehab My Patient. Thank you.
Zeinah Keen
Osteopath, NSW, Australia.

Thanks so much to the rehabmypatient team.
I feel Rehab my Patient is easy to use and has lots of content to ensure patients get the right
advice for their rehabilitation. It's clever and the ability to upload your own logo and contact
details makes it very professional. I'd highly recommend signing up to such a convenient and
affordable service. It would compliment any therapist in providing all round patient care.
Anisha Joshi
Registered Osteopath

Over the course of just a few months, I have been able to thoroughly incorporate and utilize the
services provided by the Rehab My Patient online program. Our office has been extremely
with the ease of individual therapeutic stretch and exercise customization that we have been
able to
provide our very diverse patient population. Additionally, as patient's have inquired about
different avenues for involvement in their own care, we have been able to utilize the Rehab My
Patient service to provide easy-to-follow, customized instruction specifically tailored to each
uniquely individual case. The Rehab My Patient online program has added an excellent extra
to the services that we are now able to provide for our patient base.
Dr. John J. Maher
Greater Philadelphia Chiropractic Center
2612 Rhawn Street
Philadelphia, PA 19152
(215) 338-8555

Rehab my patient is an excellent tool that I now utilise nearly every day I see patients. I feel
makes my clinical practice more efficient and adds a professional feel to the way I prescribe
exercises to my patients. Long gone are the 'stick man' sketches that ate into the last 10
of my treatment time or made me over run! The inclusion of Pilates exercises has really helped
prescribing Pilates programmes following a 1:1 session. I think one of the best aspects of Rehab
Patient is that you are able to adjust the description for any exercise, to add personal info
may be specific to the client and their posture. I have recommended it to a number of Osteopaths
Physiotherapists I work with.
Kay Tomlinson
Registered Osteopath and Pilates Instructor

Rehab My Patient has complimented my clinic immensely and I can't recommend this site enough. If
are a therapist that relies on providing stretching or strengthening exercises then this is the
for you. It has aided me and reduced the time that it takes to create customised rehab plans for
each of my patients, in a very professional and quick manner. This should be a must for all
osteopaths, physiotherapist, chiropractors and any other therapists, as like me you will all
from using rehab my patient. Thanks again rehab my patient you have made my life as an osteopath
much easier!!! from Jason - Registered Osteopath.
Jason Newman (Registered Osteopath)
1 Withington Road
Douglas, Isle of Man

I have used Rehab My Patient website and find it useful and easy to use for supplying home-based
programmes to my patients. I am impressed with the way your products have assisted me in
time-management in my practice. The pictures are great, and the site is simple to use. There is
large exercise library consisting of all the common exercises, but also the ability to upload
own exercises too.
Dr Bernard van Vuuren
South Africa

Current research shows many musculoskeletal problems respond best to a combination of manual
and exercise therapy. Using Rehab My Patient saves me time in the clinic, is improving my
results and gives me the reassurance I am doing the best for my patients by following best
The simplicity of designing a program and delivering it instantly means I am actually
exercises to more patients. This is translating into better clinical results which of course
happy patients.
The clear pictures and customisable descriptions of the exercises means my patients are also
performing their exercises better.
Being able to add the clinic logo and contact details completes a professional package that
makes my
clinic look good. I wish I had found Rehab My Patient years ago.
Mel Glanville

In my opinion Rehab My Patient is an essential tool for any therapist who prescribes stretches
exercises to their patients. It has saved me so much time in my practice and I couldn't work
it. It is extremely easy to use, I can even write programmes on my smartphone whilst on the
My patients love the professional appearance and I find it invaluable that I can add my own
notes to
personalise each programme. The flexibility to email or print the programmes means that all
can enjoy the benefits of Rehab My Patient, even the most computer-scared! Rehabilitation
stretches, core stability and strengthening exercises are all on the database. I am so pleased
I have finally found such a professional, effective, low cost solution to stickman drawings and
would recommend Rehab My Patient without hesitation.
Elaine Dayaram
Registered Osteopath

Using Rehab my patient gives me the ability to provide my clients with programmes that have
diagram's and easy to follow content. Rehab my patient is so fast and easy to use which means I
able to email my clients their personal rehabilitation programmes in minutes.
Many of my clients have recently commented and said how impressed they are with the service I am
Many thanks Rehab my patient.
Steve Udakis
Sport and remedial massage therapist
Steve has been treating me for various postural related problems I have developed over time
to my health and occupation. With part of my treatment package Steve designed an exercise
programme for me whilst I was in his clinic, I was really amazed by the time it took him to
the programme for me. The exercises have been easy to follow and has taken up very little of
time to, do due to the excellent diagrams and clear instructions provided. I have noticed a
difference in my posture since I’ve been having treatment and following the exercises
has provided for me. I have been able to take the exercise programme everywhere and view it
my iphone which has been great.
Many thanks Steve.
C. Forsyth (patient)

Rehab my patient has been a great addition to the clinic. Gone are the days of stick men
hastily scribbled down as the client leaves the room. Clients love it because the exercises are
clear and easy to follow, it`s personalised as it includes their details and any additional
and they get a hard copy and an email all before they leave the treatment room. We love rehab my
patient because it`s quick and easy to use, there is an extensive library of exercises which
continue to grow and importantly you are able to add your own exercises. It has definitely made
think more about how we prescribe exercises and as a result we have noticed an increase in
compliance with patients. Rehab my patient is professional, user friendly and great value for
Luke Dillon
Osteopath Direct
Rehabmypatient.com is the single most important part of my practice! When I first began to
13 years ago, I hesitated to give people exercise handouts. I felt that the tools that were
available were very unprofessional and limited. Because of this, many of my patients were unable
reach their health goals. Since I started using rehabmypatient.com over the last few months, I
seen a significant change in patient compliance and the ability to reach there health goals. The
feedback that I have received from my patients is astounding and rewarding. Using RMP has
helped me get new referrals. I will continue to use this chiropractic software program as long
as I
Dr. Christopher Pietrzyk, DC.
White Eagle Health and Wellness,
Naperville, Illinois.

My practice has been using the software for 3 months and it has made our exercise prescription
production very efficient. The patients are also very impressed and therefore motivated to
with the visual prompt. The software clearly demonstrates that the RMP team are tuned into the
of its users. So far I have been able to generate a program for every patient condition I have
encountered since using the software.
Health in Motion Osteopathic Clinic
Lola Phillips and Associates
39 Moorbridge Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 8LT

Using Rehab My Patient, I have realised what an invaluable tool it is in practice life. It is
and very user friendly, and I can produce rehabilitation programmes to complement treatment
with ease. The plans are professional looking and can be customised. The feedback from patients
fantastic, as the diagrams and explanations are clear and concise and they have found them very
and straightforward to follow, with no added explanation from myself. (I used to try and
or draw pictures of the exercises before, which were not very helpful!!) I also feel the
touch encourages the individual to follow my recommendations. I would highly recommend rehab my
patient as it has helped me immensely.
Emma Pollard
Registered Osteopath
Barnsole Road Osteopathic Practice

I have been looking for a piece of software or website to make my life easier,
does just that. In the past I have produced my own exercise sheets – laboriously working through
own produced exercises and given them out.
With expansion of clinic I needed to save time whilst still delivering good quality exercises,
and I
looked at quite a few packages. Some had great exercises, but where unwieldy to use, others very
user friendly but had such a limited choice as to make them useless.
Having found rehabmypatient.com I believe I found the best balance of broad range of quality
exercise and an excellent user interface. It takes seconds to set up a patient, and once you get
used to where the exercises are (they are all in logical anatomical areas, subdivided into
you want to exercise) it only takes maximum of a minute to produce a bespoke sheet of exercises.
The software allows you to use your own letterheads (easy to do) and tweak them to your own
I have to say that this website has saved me a lot of time and money, and I have many patients
are now happily exercising to a succinct clear set of instructions.
When I have had problems the help desk has been quick with a solution and even changed certain
sections to keep me happy. If you want a simple, cost effective and extensive exercise program
is it. It will make your life easier!
Steven Orton MSc, DO
Registered Osteopath

Prescribed exercises are becoming part of every treatment approach desired by patients and used
many. The overall outcomes in increasing health and well being following treatment make it an
important part of treatment and it's in our busy clinics it can help to have a programme that
can be
utilised quickly and efficiently. The Rehab My Patient programme is an ideal tool to managing
treatment plans and patients will find it easy to follow and progress with.
The variety of exercises available covers the whole body from gentle mobilisation to
and is modern in its approach. Obviously much thought has gone in to putting this extensive
Overall it saves time, is straight forward to use as an application and will benefit the
Patients have found the descriptions easy to follow with clear diagrams and progressions if
required. A brilliant product, keep up the good work.
Angus Wood
BSc (Hons) Osteopathy
Bodyworx Osteopathy

We have been using Rehab my Patient for a few months now and have found it to be a great asset
our physiotherapy treatment programmes. The choice of exercises is excellent, and as it is
continuously evolving and updating, the database will only get better. We have also found the
Customer Service to be extremely helpful and efficient. The final product which goes to our
looks very professional and is clearly branded with our own company name, logo and contact
This not only makes it feel uniquely personal, but it's also a great marketing tool for our
business. Many thanks.
Dean Anthony
Chartered Physiotherapist

I must say that with the introduction of rehab my patient software into our clinical practice,
Physiomedicare clinic has been outstanding in performance, our clientele base has expanded,
referrals are now in multiples, our on-line Consultation has improved geometrically, Not to
the handful of patients who come to say thank you after every encounter with our team of
therapist. With Rehab My Patient, extra time wasted when explaining home program that the
are likely to forget has reduced significantly. From the myriad of exercises, our
find it easy to make a quick clinical decision even in situations when they are about to make an
oversight. I wish we had these application 2 years ago when we started. Team Physiomedicare says
big Thank You to "Rehab my Patient" your software has actually made my practice really easy, it
improved the quality of health in my patients and also reduced the amount of time spent in the
hospital. My clients find it easy to use and are now more compliant with their home program.
Thank you
Awolola Eniola O.
Consultant Physiotherapist
Lagos, Nigeria

Rehab My Patient has really changed our practice and the way we interact with our patients. We
are a
interdisplinary practice of osteopaths, physiotherapists and sports therapists and are all
active in
exercise prescription. I myself am involved in a lot of end stage, sports specific rehab as well
strength and conditioning and being able to propose exercises that can be added to the data base
fantastic and this sets Rehab My Patient apart from the rest. The exercise programs are quick
easy to create and have options for reps, sets, time, rest period and for the exercises to be
bilaterally. The exercise program can then be emailed straight to the patient or a copy printed
them to take home or for practice notes. Patients having the ability to access the exercises on
their smart phones and tablets makes our overall service modern and professional. We have tried
other exercise software programs but none come anywhere close to Rehabmypatient.com and we
recommend it highly enough.
Thanks to the RehabMyPatient team
Rob Hill
Atlas Health Spa

As a SMA member I was introduced to rehabmypatient. It is a fantastic resource that is quick and
easy to use. The range of exercises available is extensive, enabling me to provide specific
sheets for each patient. Patients give me very good feedback on the exercise sheets I provide,
the direct email option is very useful as patients can then access it on phone or tablet. With
work both as an SMA member and a Sports Rehabilitator in both clinic and sports club setting,
rehabmypatient is an invaluable tool.
I love the product.
Rudi Chaplin BSc(Hons). GSR. SMA

I have been using rehabmypatient now for one year. I have found it is very helpful for my
and encourages their compliance with exercise techniques that are needed for their
rehabilitation. I
also must compliment rehabmypatient on their great support team and immediate attention to any
problems or questions you may have as a purchaser of the program.
Dr. Theresa Hohl
Balance Chiropractic Wellness Centre
Florida, US.

Rehabmypatient.com has revolutionized my approach to recommending exercises to my patients and
assist them for many conditions.
Having used the website for over 6 months, I have seen excellent results. All the patients in my
list have benefited from the exercises prescribed from your website.
The exercises far exceeds results I could previously achieve with standard osteopathic
for the treatment of complex conditions ranging from low back pain, neck pain,…frozen
I would highly recommend this website as an easy tool to encourage patients of all ages in
taking an
active role in their own recovery and healing pathway.
Marc Deora, DO.
Registered Osteopath

RMP is absolutely fantastic and I am thrilled to be using the system, especially as I am setting
my own clinic at the end of the month. I believe this system is a unique tool in making sure my
clients have something with substance when it comes to their exercises. Not only that they also
something to take with them that has contact details and a personal message from their
this is a very nice touch.
This saves me time as I can email it or print it out for a patient very easily. I will begin
the system at the end of the month and let you know if there are any points I can identify that
improved... but by the looks of things it's pretty solid!
Good luck and thank you for the chance to use the system!
Murray Collier
Sports Massage Therapist
I`ve been using the RMP software for over a year now and have found it invaluable to our clinic.
has allowed me to pass on exercise/stretching regimes to my patients very quickly and tailored
their requirements.
Patients have loved the pictures and simple explanations, consequently patient compliance has
increased and therefore so has injury rehabilitation times.
I also like the fact that there is a continual development of the content and I am always
new exercises to pass on to my patients.
I would recommend RMP to colleagues and fellow health care practitioners.
Dave Inman
Principal: Oldfield Osteopathic Clinic

Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well with everyone I just wanted to share with you this site I have been using
the past few months, which has really helped my practice. www.rehabmypatient.com . Now, I do
work for this company, nor do I get any kick-back for recommending this. I just wanted to
since it helped me.
I am getting better compliance with my patients performing their home exercises and
(which we all know can be a struggle. Obviously, with better home compliance, I am getting
better results with my overall care. I also love the "advice" options, and the patients feel
special with a truly unique and individualized program. You can also have their names, and
logo, which looks more professional. And, yes, the big question...it is very affordable.
Check it out. It has really improved my practice.
Ryan D. Kauffman, D.C.
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician

I am currently into my 2nd year of using RMP & would never to be without it. It is an excellent
exercise prescription programme which is quick and easy to use. As most practitioners know, what
show a patient & how they interpret it are completely different. RMP solves this problem by
easy to follow illustrations and videos and Tim is always on hand if you feel a specific
needs adding. Thank you RMP for making my job a whole lot easier.
Jane Watts
Sports & Massage Therapist
Optimum Sports Rehab

Different patients benefit from different sorts of stretches and exercise alongside their
osteopathic treatment. Rehab My Patient is great because it allows you to individualise
depending on each individual's presentation. You can also tweak the exercises to your own style
adapt them to specific patients' needs by editing the descriptions. People really value having
something written down (and emailed to them) that they can refer back to. Even if they don't
with the exercises once their symptoms have gone away (most people don't!), they have something
refer back to if they feel them returning. I would recommend Rehab My Patient to any health
practitioner who regularly prescribes exercises as part of their treatment plan. It is clear,
effective and easy to use.
Emma Lipson
Principal Osteopath at Feel Better Osteopathy
7 Guy Street, Warwick, CV34 4LN
I have been looking for a while for an app that will help me in my Sports Massage Business
supporting my patients after treatment. I've finally found it! Rehab my Patient, is an excellent
easy app to use. It's so easy to email/print rehab exercises to/for my Patients. A great
of exercises, easy to follow photos/videos. Which I can also adjust accordingly. It looks very
professional with my own logo and details at top of the page. My patients have said it's great
them visually & really easy to follow or to contact me.
I couldn't be without this now & would say if anyone who is in this sort of profession to take a
look, you won't be disappointed, I have even suggested this app to follow colleagues to try it
A 2 week free trail is great to see how it is for yourself. All at hand & very quick to get a
selection of exercises together.
Thanks RMP, this truly has made my business stand out more & made life easier for me.
Gayle Church
Sports Massage Therapist
I find the pre made advice sheets from rehab my patient so helpful, I can just print them off and hand them out to clients which saves so much
time designing my own. The bank of rehab exercises on the site is the best I have come across and is always growing. I can see rehab my
patient really helping to grow my own business as it is such an attractive add on for clients expecting just a sessions treatment however go
away with so much more!
Matt Fry
Registered Osteopath